We Reward Our Customers – Maple Valley, WA
Save More With Our Auto Services – Valley Automotive Repair & Electric
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How Does My Rewards Card Work?
With the Valley Automotive Repair & Electric Rewards Card, you will earn money towards future services every time you bring your car in for service – even as soon as your next visit! Just make sure to bring your Rewards Card with you each time you visit our shop so that we can keep track of your earnings. The best part is that your membership is FREE!
Do you have family members or friends that are also one of our customers? If so, you can buy a Valley Automotive Rewards Card as a gift. Make sure to look for additional benefits in our reminder mailers or at our shop.
Roadside Assistance Benefit
Will your Rewards Card, you have access to Roadside Assistance. Simply call the Roadside Assistance number on the front of the card. You will be instructed to enter an 8-digit PIN number, which is located on the back of the card. If you are in the general vicinity of Valley Automotive Repair & Electric, you must instruct the Tow Truck operator to bring your vehicle to one of our shops. Once the PIN number is verified, you will be asked to enter your 10-digit phone number where you can be reached if disconnected (this must be the same number you give to the dispatcher when asked).
Once this information is received and verified, Roadside Assistance will be dispatched to your location. Valley Automotive Repair & Electric Roadside Assistance Benefits are for 1 times use each year, up to $75.00 per occurrence.
![Rewards | Valley Automotive](/Files/Images/rewards-img.png)